Friday, February 28, 2025

Activate Opposition to Trump/Musk Cuts in CHS March 5

Activate Opposition to the Trump/Musk Cuts to Transit and Affordable Housing in Downtown Charleston Wed. Mar. 5

2 paid positions seeking applicants

Wed. March 5, 2025 from 8 am to 5:30 pm

Image, Right, Badge of the Corps of Conductors, the outreach force of Best Friends of Lowocountry Transit, modeled on the decoration on the piston caps of the Best Friend of Charleston

Wed. March 5 activists will do outreach across downtown, historic Charleston to launch a month long effort to block attempts by the Trump/Musk regime to destroy public transit and affordable housing in the SC Lowcountry and across the US.

Our effort will begin with a dutch treat breakfast at the CofC Cafeteria in the
Joe E. Berry Jr. Residence Hall, at 80 St Philip St, Charleston, SC 29401.

Our base of operations for the day will be in Office 17  of officeevolution on the second floor of  460 King Street (Enter from Ann St.). We will train outreach workers, assemble and equip teams and send them out throughout the day. The phone number to reach the office is (843) 870-5299. 

Image, left, Our base of operations for the day will be in Office Evolution, 460 King St. Ste 200. Enter from the stairs on Ann St. 150 feet East of King.

Active operations will begin at 9:30 am. Our base of operations is one block north of the DASH bus stop on the South End of the Visitor’s Center on George St. and the Best Friend Museum.  We’ll be using the free DASH buses to get around town.

Our goal is to reach 4000 people downtown in one day with knowledge that they need to demand our elected representatives in Washington obtain protection for public transit and affordable housing in the Trump/Musk “Big Bill” now being rammed through congress. We’ll be reaching out to employees and management at restaurants, hotels and medical facilities with the message that without transit and affordable housing the workers they need to function can’t live in the Lowcountry by distributing postcards and getting people to sign an online petition on smartphones and tablets. You can see an example of our outreach card here.

The weather for Wednesday is a bit messy, so bring your rain gear. This is actually good for us since the restaurants and bars we need to reach will be far less busy and have more time to hear our message. We'll save our sunny weather for the return of our bus to the beach, if it survives these budget cuts. 

Volunteers are needed. Please signup to help on Eventbright

For detailed background read

You can download a PDF of the postcards we'll be handing out as part of this effort.

Paid Canvassing Positions

Positions for two paid outreach workers have been funded at the rate of $10 per hour. Paid workers will receive breakfast, payment in cash at day’s end and a letter documenting their work. College aged people, in good physical health would be welcomed. They should wear rubber soled, close toes shoes. A shoulder bag, literature, a clip board and writing materials will be provided. They should bring a tablet or smart phone. Spanish speakers get a $1 per hour bonus. People with experience in F&B and Hospitality will be given first consideration. Interviews will be conducted by Zoom.

To apply for one of these paid positions, who will work under the supervision of an experienced F&B professional and focus on F&B workers and businesses, send your resume to

For more information contact

William J. Hamilton, III
Ex. Dir.
Best Friends of Lowocuntry Transit, Inc.
(843) 870-5299
Bluesky at

Neither the College for Charleston, the Best Friend Museum nor any other business or organization mentioned in this post are associated with this effort, the full costs of which are being paid by Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit, Inc. We have no idea what the positions of these organizations are regarding these issues. Officeevolution rented their space to us as an ordinary tenant and isn't associated with our effort or political postions. 

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