Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Remember Rosa Parks and Don't Give up Your Seat for Lowcountry Transit Feb. 2025


Don't Give Up Your Seat in Feb. Remember Rosa on Transit Equity Day

Charleston, SC, USA- This year's Transit Equity Day (Feb. 4)  is important because we know a major effort to defund public transit in the United States is on the way. The MAGA agenda is anti urban and destroying the quality of life in our cities is a central tactic. Nothing robs people of their freedom more effectively than rendering them immobile. Charleston's excruciatingly slow progress towards construction of the LCRT might end if the Trump administration manages to defund Transit. Like Rosa Parks, we need your help to prepare to hold on to our seat, our place, our dignity and our rights. 

Project 2025's anti transit agenda

Update- Our report on Congresswoman Nancy Macethe location of her new office off the transit system on Daniel Island and our effort to sensitize her to the importance of Transit on Feb. 4. Read the Report on Nancy Mace and Transit.

Help Inform the Public

Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit will begin our effort with a public information campaign on Martin  Luther King Weekend promoting our local effort to the Lowcountry Progressive Community. its important that people wanting to be involved step forward so we can promote their contributions to this effort. Local media is no longer strong or effective enough to help us, so we need to reach our own people and activate the community. 

Join a Carolina Transit Regional Conference on Feb. 4

Public Transit in the Carolinas will be the subject of a regional town hall on Feb. 4, Transit Equity Day from 12 noon to 2 pm in which Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit will participate with a live meeting linked to the electronic one at the Charleston County Library at 68 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC, US, 29401, on the CARTA DASH 210 Bus Route. The local meeting will be linked to a regional zoom conference with participants from Columbia, SC; Charlotte, NC and the Research Triangle expected.  Issues to be discussed will include sustaining progress made in Charlotte, continuing to advance towards construction of the LCRT in Charleston and resisting attempts to defund public transit as planned in the Project 2025 plan connected to members of the Trump administration. This regional meeting is one of several being run that day across the United States for Transit Equity Day by the Labor Network for Sustainability, an annual observance on the Birthday of Transit Equity and Civil Rights Heroine, Rosa Parks. 

You can also participate in the regional conference online from your home or office. We'll post a link to the meeting here closer to the date. 

Ride with Rosa

That week We'll be putting posters honoring Rosa on selected CARTA buses. You can sponsor this entire effort for $100. 

Rise with Rosa

Right, Social Media Banner Promoting Rosa Pancake Effort, from 2022.We'll also be doing several pancake breakfast efforts that week to connect the community with the memory of Rosa's struggle with our own Civil Rights Hero, Louise Brown. If your church, organization or business wants to serve the pancakes, we'll provide PDF versions of posters and handbills to drive participation and raise awareness not only of Rosa, but also Charleston's own Mary Bowers and Esau Jenkins, Charleston's Transit Equity Heroes. We can be present with multimedia content to empower your members or customers. 

If you would like to help, now is the time. We'll soon be involved in a fight to save the millions of opportunities to ride transit provided by CARTA and Tri County Link. A little organization now, will prepare us for a much stronger effort later. We're not going to give up our seat and the opposition will learn that, however if we're strong at the start, the damage the conflict will cause can be reduces and get us to a better future sooner. 

We'll be announcing the effort at next week's CARTA Board Meeting, so anyone who can pitch in now will really help. If you can help, reply to this message or Contact William Hamilton at 843-870-5299 or

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