Above, Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit members at SC State Capital

Transit Advocate and Attorney, William Hamilton will be on OHM Radio in Charleston at 4 pm
on Wednesday, March 27 talking about yesterdays hearing and how the struggle
moves forward towards the full house, Senate and Governor’s office.
he bill requires the State Department of Transportation to
adopt a “Complete Streets” policy to support planning for sidewalks, transit
stops and bicycle lanes so that safe multimodal use of our roadways will be possible
where appropriate. SC Currently has one of the highest rates of injury for
pedestrians (including people walking to bus stops) and cyclists in the US.
Charleston County has a pedestrian and cyclist injury rate three times that of
any other country in the state. This makes it a struggle for transit riders to
reach bus stops, making our transit system less effective.
You can view hearing testimony by Milicent
Middleton (Johns island) and Janet
Dieckmann (Sangaree, Berkeley County) online.
The fight for better transit and safer ways to reach transit
stops will continue Saturday, March 30 from 11 am to 4 pm in the BI-LO parking lot
at 3575 Maybank Highway on Johns Island, SC when Best Friends of Lowcountry
Transit holds the Sea Island Transit Funfest. This free event will over family activities
including a map participants can mark to show government officials where bus
stops should be located and an activity to make “Bus Stop Bus” flags to flag
down John’s Island’s unreliable Tri County Link Bus Service. Tri Coounty LInk lacks fixed stop and bus stop signs in most
locations. Participants will also be able to send messages to Rep. Robert L. Brown, a member of the Committee that
considered the bill on Tuesday and who represents Johns Island, but who was not
present for the hearing and has not yet cosponsored the bill. Button Making, a
cookout, DJ and banner painting will be some of the other activities at the Transit
John’s Island’s roads are horrific for pedestrians, transit
riders and cyclists. Long, dark stretches of road without sidewalks or bike
lanes have taken many lives and the home-made memorials of wooden crosses and white
painted “ghost bikes” line roads for miles, giving the impression of passing through a cemetery when
they are traveled. Tri County Link’s bus lines lack stops or safe ways to reach
the few roads the buses are supposed to run on.
For more information on Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit’s
activities contact Executive Director William Hamilton at (843) 870-5299 or see
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