The South Carolina Lowcountry must change its focus to its people and the future. Tourism, history, landmarks and the priorities of the wealthy cannot force us to wait until climate change, development, sea-level rise and globalization allow others to make all our decisions for us. We must have a community where affordable housing is available, living wages are paid and our transportation system offers mobility to all planned in a way that accounts for the changes in sea level and climate change. These plans must reduce the impact of those changes on the remaining generations that will live here.
Download Updated, printable PDF flyer- Ver. Sept. 12-230

A Strike for Climate, Mobility and Equity- From Friday, Sept. 20, the first day of the Global Strike for Climate until Oct. 5th, when candidates for President from around the nation will be here for the Blue Jamboree held by the local Democratic Party, our coalition will demand local, state and national government respond to the problems destroying the quality of life for ordinary people here. This includes the 30th. Anniversary of Hurricane Hugo, marking a generation since Charleston ignored its first wakeup call on climate and lost thousands of affordable housing units. During the generation since, sprawl development and gentrification have ended downtown Charleston’s inherited model for civic and economic life.
We demand that the next 30 years of planning in the Lowcountry focus on three priorities as they impact the lives of working people”
Sustainable Community for All
Living Wage & Unions for All - Raising the minimum wage will benefit everyone in Charleston—working people, businesses, and the entire economy. Research shows about 684,000 South Carolina workers — or a third of the state’s workforce — would see their wages increase if a $15 federal minimum wage were adopted by 2025. Why Unions? Unions can bargain for the establishment of workplace environment committees that give workers real power to set sustainability benchmarks and to play an active role in the implementation. Unions can also demand that employers commit to specific environmental goals directly in their contracts.
Affordable housing for All - on high ground in safe areas constructed in a durable, sustainable fashion which reduces carbon impacts.
Mobility for All- A Transit and Transportation system linking those jobs and living areas efficiently so that people have the time and choice they need to live rewarding lives without being forced to buy and maintain a car. Road planning in which the focus is on serving areas inland, uphill and accessible to all. Reduce carbon impacts, congestion and injuries to transit riders, pedestrians and cyclists with complete streets. You can read our detailed response to the climate Strike in 12 calls to action, which cover 70 planned transit agenda items (Currently open for public comment through Google Docs) online now: Achieve Transit Justice, Build BRT and Strengthen Bus Service.
Our Shared Demand for Transit Equity-
As part of the general Lowcountry Climate Strike effort we've committed to support, "Achieve transit justice – Build BRT and strengthen bus service." Our detailed demands for Transit Equity add actionable detail to the generalized statement. Please read, share and comment. We'll revise after the climate strike and publish to the candidates for president, state and local leaders at the Blue Jamboree and other public events in October. Summary Schedule
Note- For more detailed information on CofC connected events, check the links and the new Facebook Group- Note that past events have been deleted and many wonderful events have already ended. Plans for a second major series of events are not being made, so come to the remaining activities on the schedule to get involved and help shape the future of the local effort.
Thur. Sept. 26, 5 to 6 pm- Dutch Dialogues Demonstration- Join a demonstration outside the Gaillard Center before the last event (6 to 7:30 pm) focused on dealing with flooding facilitated by experts from the Netherlands. Make sure the needs of people and their right to resources for the future aren’t forgotten. (On CARTA 210, 20, 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bus Lines) Facebook Sign up for this event.
We'll be filling in the final twenty spaces left on the Community Commitment to Transit that evening. That's the massive petition (image right, Congressman Sanford should have taken it more seriously) we've circulated for three years to hold our politicians to their promise to build the transit system made before the referendum. We'll have a mini teach in and demand, again, somewhat louder, that CARTA return bus service to the beach instead of just waiting for the ocean to come to the nearest bus stop in about 40 years. We'll have a table and sign making supplies on site. Other groups and activists are welcome to join and bring up there issues.
Friday, September 27, 2019 1-2 PM- Beneficial Plants: Let Nature Reduce Bad Insects Dr. Linda Geronilla @ Pink House (Permaculture) Dr. Linda Geronilla
September 27, 2019 5:00-6:30 PM Climate Change and Mental Health: Caring for Ourselves and the Planet at the Same Time Dr. Jen Wright College of Charleston RSS 252*
Image, left, we celebration our referndum victory for the new transit system on Rivers Ave. November 2016)
Saturday, Sept. 28, Rapid Rivers Reactivation- Persephone Moulton Community Center, North Charleston, South Carolina, 1919 Robertson Blvd. N. Charleston. Activists will do outreach along Rivers Ave. in N. Charleston. We'll be working bus stops, street corners and hanging door knobs in neighborhoods along the planned transit line. We need people to stuff outreach bags, which can be done sitting down in the shade. We need people to walk the streets before heading to the Candidates for N. Charleston. We need four rock solid activists to join our Go Forward SMAK team which will cover several neighborhoods. SMAK stands for Speedy Movement Allied for Komunity, its a very fast structured, radio and internet enabled outreach team, bring a backpack and waterbottle.) Bag stuffing begins at 8 am. First team goes out at 8:30 pm. SMAK deploys at 10:00 am.
Saturday, Sept. 28 3 pm- N. Charelston Mayoral Forum- That afternoon we'll converge on the Mayoral forum at 3:00 pm. at Mt. Moriah Church. Along #10 CARTA Bus line. Get tickets for N. Charleston Mayor's Forum. Transit and affordable housing are two of the three issues the forum will focus on.
*This is a national media event, please wear your organization tee or bring your signs. We will have a brainstorm/sign-making party towards the end of September to tie in various issues. Tickets for the Blue Jamboree, lunch, and transportation are included. Contact Amanda @ (803) 322-3097 or to add your organization to the list.
Sat. October 5- Blue Jamboree- Confront candidates for President at this Democratic Party event with our local priorities as we face a rising cost of living, rising congestion and a rising ocean. . Fight for $15 is organizing an action for the living wage which will begin on River's Ave. on the #10 bus line and provide free entrance and lunch to the Blue Jamboree where participants will parade in. Once you are at the event, visit our yellow information booth in the village area, make a button and learn about our work which will continue. We'll also have some spare chairs because sometimes you have to rest.
This coalition effort involves many organizations with radically differing approaches to the challenge of climate change. Not all organizations agree on the details of policy or method. Please communicate directly with the individual organization for their precise position and policies. Planning for all of these events has been disrupted by the recent Hurricane and changes are to be expected.
Coalition Supporters
Best Friends of Lowcountry Transit
Lowcountry Up is Good
Fight for $15 and and a Union
I’m here visiting my niece or I would be attending the NYC Global Climate Strike. I plan on attending the Charleston event but I’m disappointed the organizers aren’t school age children and the start time is nit 1pm as it is in most other places. This is a school strike and there is no mention of schools, just a college. Where is Greta Thunberg mentioned?
ReplyDeleteSome High School Students attended and spoke at the event at the College. SC Schools have been very punitive about school strikes in the past, expelling students for walking out for gun violence. The culture here is very hostile to activism. We are fighting and some of us have been in the fight since the 1960s